The Bump Class Exclusive Offer

Have you considered storing your baby’s umbilical cord stem cells?

Your baby’s umbilical cord is a rich source of precious stem cells. These stem cells have the ability to
repair and protect the body from within by transforming (differentiating) into many different types
cells within blood and tissue.

Cord blood & tissue stem cell banking

– Used in over 85 medical treatments*

– Safe & non-invasive

– 100% DNA match to your child

– 25% chance of matching a sibling

– Collect alongside delayed cord clamping

What is Cord Blood & Tissue Banking?

Cord blood and tissue banking is the process of collecting, processing and storing stem cells for potential future medical use. Currently, cord blood stem cells are being used to treat cancerous blood disorders such as leukaemia, blood conditions like Fanconi anaemia and much more.

Exclusive Packages for customers of The Bump Class

We are pleased to offer exclusive packages for customers of The Bump Class, with 25 years’ storage, phlebotomy fees, and ABO blood typing in one, discounted package.

Secure your discount with code “bumpclass

Cord Blood or Cord Tissue
+ 25 Years of Storage
+ ABO Blood Typing

Now £1750


SAVING - £2470

Cord Blood & Cord Tissue
+ 25 Years of Storage
+ ABO Blood Typing

Now £2165


SAVING - £3880

Cord Blood & Cord Tissue + Dietary Screening
+ 25 Years of Storage
+ ABO Blood Typing

Now £2365


SAVING - £3930

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