Outlook – Newborn screening test

Every new parent wants a healthy future for their child and to give them the best possible start. With newborn screening tests, your baby can be screened for a range of genetic conditions likely to develop within their first few months of life. Our Outlook newborn screening test gives you a clear picture of their predisposition to develop:

Lactose Intolerance
Coeliac Disease
Medication-Induced Deafness

A newborn screening test is a simple and affordable way to gain peace of mind or – if your child is found to be at an increased/high risk of developing any of the above conditions – to prepare you for their possible medical and/or dietary requirements in the future.

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How does the Outlook test work?

Outlook newborn screening is available in two different formats; as a mouth swab kit, or as part of your cord blood storage package.

Select our Premium+ stem cell storage package

Your umbilical cord blood sample is collected after birth and sent to our lab

We'll carry out the Outlook test on a small drop of cord blood and return the results by post


Order your Outlook test online, or through our customer care team

Carry out the simple mouth swab at home

Return the kit to us and receive your results by post


Introduction to Outlook

Take a closer look at how the Outlook test works, if purchased as a mouth swab. Remember you can also add Outlook as part of your cord blood storage package!

Conditions screened for

Lactose intolerance

This is a common problem that can develop at any age, involving the digestion of lactose found in animal milks and dairy products. People with lactose intolerance are unable to break down two sugars called glucose and galactose, due to reduced production of the enzyme, lactase. This causes bacteria to develop in the digestive system.

Coeliac disease

Also known as gluten intolerance, coeliac disease is fairly common and can develop and be diagnosed at any age. It involves the small intestines becoming hypersensitive to gluten, causing inflammation and an inability to absorb important nutrients. This leads to digestive problems and a range of other symptoms. Trigger foods include wheat, barley and rye found in pasta, cakes, cereals, bread and some sauces.

Bitter taste

Bitter taste is caused by sensitivity to bitter-tasting compounds called glucosinolates, found in foods such as cabbage, broccoli, sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables. People who have this increased sensitivity are known as ‘tasters’. The presence of this genetic trait can determine whether someone is likely to have an increased bitter taste response to certain foods than ‘non-tasters’.

Medication-induced deafness

A certain type of antibiotics – aminoglycosides – are known to cause damage to the inner ear. Some children carry a mitochondrial mutation that predisposes them to severe hearing loss after just one dose of these antibiotics. Screening for genetic variants of these four conditions can mean that, if symptoms develop, the condition can be diagnosed and treated faster.